315 North 13th Street - Leesburg, FL - 352-326-3692

Monthly Judaism Class Sunday March 23 2-4pm

rPlease join us for Class #2 of our first semester monthly Judaism class series. The class will be conducted by Rabbi Silverman. The class series is open to members and non-members. Click here for details and instructions on how to sign up. Refreshments will be served.

Join us for our Second Night Passover Seder

Celebrate Passover with us! Reservations are required for our kosher style second night Passover Seder on Sunday, April 13 at 5:15pm at First Baptist Church of Leesburg. It will be catered by TooJay's. The price is $50 per member and $55 per guest.

Click here to download the form. Deadline is April 4.

Celebrate Purim and Shabbat March 14 at 7 pm

In person and on Zoom
In addition to the traditional Shabbat service, we will celebrate the holiday of Purim on Friday, March 14th. Rabbi Reuven Silverman will conduct the Shabbat service and lead us in the singing of traditional Purim songs. Come in costume, wear a hat, have fun. Our Oneg Shabbat, following services, will feature hamantaschen in addition to our snacks and refreshments. 
The Zoom link is sent to our members.

The Personal and Congregational Benefits of Contributions

If your visit to our website or to our Temple motivates you to support Congregation Beth Sholom, either as a member or a guest, you can easily do so by clicking the "Donate" button below.

There are many ways to honor, celebrate or remember a loved one or special event and help the Jewish community at the same time. A financial contribution allows Congregation Beth Sholom to strengthen its member services and serve the community. In-kind contributions can work in many ways. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a contribution in honor, celebration, or memory of any one or an event, please call Treasurer Dave Englander at 352-504-4402.

PAY YOUR DUES OR MAKE A DONATON USING PAYPAL OR A CREDIT CARD.  CLICK THE "DONATE" BUTTON, then Fill in the amount, and then you will be able to click on 'Donate with Debit or Credit Card'.